「漫话 Kubernetes」让我们从一个灯泡讲起

说到 Kubernetes 的风靡与盛行,我们先从一个灯泡讲起……

Five years ago, Philips Lighting, the lightbulb company, had an idea: Wireless lights you turn on with your phone. It’s “about peace of mind,” says George Yianni of Philips, “so you never come home to a dark house.”
But the lights took too long to turn on. 3 WHOLE SECONDS! The problem wasn’t the lightbulb, but the cloud-based software that Philips used to control the bulbs. It was buggy and slow. To speed it up, Philips turned to Kubernetes, an open source application developed by Google.
然而,产品经理的想法和最后的产品往往有着一些“差距”:一个灯泡需要三秒的响应时间才能开启。而问题却出在控制无线灯泡的古早云端软件上,这个时候来自 Google 的开源项目 Kubernetes 成了飞利浦公司的救命稻草。
Cooberneetz? Koo Burr Net ease. It’s from a Greek word for helmsman or pilot. Geeks just call it K8s.
Kubernetes 这个名字起源于古希腊,原意是舵手。所以你可以看到它的 Logo 像一个舵盘。Geek 们称他为 K8S,因为 K 和 S 之前有 8 个字母。
Once upon a time, software was written for specific computers. Different types of computers required different versions of the same application. Today, most software runs in the cloud—on thousands of different machines.
But developers don’t always customize apps properly for the different kinds of computers. That leads to bugs. And security holes. To manage this, engineers came up with “containers.” Like Tupperware? More like shipping containers.  Containers are imaginary computers that let developers write software as if they were working on a single, superpowerful computer. Developers like to use multiple containers to keep aps running smoothly, but that adds a layer of complexity.

但开发人员不能总是针对不同的计算机来定制匹配的应用程序->这导致了 BUG 和安全流动的产生,“容器”应运而生,来解决如上的这些问题。


At a company like Google, which runs on millions of servers, that complexity is mind- boggling.
Enter Joe Beda, a Google engineer who in the mid-2000s helped create the ultimate container, Borg, for Google. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE Google added some features to Borg and renamed it Kubernetes, releasing it to the public in 2015. There are competitors, such as Docker, but K8s is the fastest-growing container application.

Google 的软件工程师 Joe Beda 便为谷歌创造了一个内部使用的大规模集群管理系统 – Borg。而 Kubernetes 便是基于 Borg 添加一些功能后的一个开源版本。而正是由于站在 Borg 这个前辈的肩膀上,吸取了 Borg 过去十年间的经验与教训,所以 Kubernetes 一经开源就一鸣惊人,并迅速称霸了容器技术领域。

K8s works by sorting out how to store and run code most efficiently. It’s a bit like Tetris. What’s a Tetris? It’s an old game. It was great.
Kubernetes 类似于一个古老的游戏-俄罗斯方块,通过整理,让代码能以最有效的方式储存和运行。它同样让公司的云存储可以由不同的供应商来提供。而同样,这些供应商之间也可以轻松切换。
K8s also lets companies split cloud storage over multiple providers or easily jump from one to another. Super neat! But… …weren’t we talking about lightbulbs? Yes, we were. K8s is the magic that makes lights come on faster. The wireless lightbulb project required a team of engineers. Philips moved the app to K8s last year. Now they’re freed up to work on other projects. Mostly.
而对于刚刚没聊完的灯泡来说,K8S 就像是魔法一样,让飞利浦的灯泡可以快速地启动,同时也解放了这个灯泡团队的人力。
The time it takes to turn on the lights was cut from three seconds to a fifth of a second. They called the new code Freddie Mercury. Skuttle Skuttle Skuttle A 2.8-second improvement might sound trivial, but for Philips— WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS MY FRIENDS it’s arena-rock glory. AND WE’LL KEEP ON FIGHTING ‘TIL THE END.
现在灯泡的启动只需花费 0.25 秒,这看似不大的进步对飞利浦团队来说简直不要太成功!Kubernetes 有关灯泡的故事也告诉我们,技术的进步是如何改变一个小产品的价值的,而今天的世界也是建立在这样不断迈进之上的。

原文:The Tale of Kubernetes

作者:Mark Bergen & Dorothy Gambrell

编辑:Dimitra Kessenides & Max Chafkin

DaoCloud 公司简介:「DaoCloud 道客」云原生领域的创新领导者,成立于 2014 年底,拥有自主知识产权的核心技术,致力于打造开放的云原生操作系统为企业数字化转型赋能。产品能力覆盖云原生应用的开发、交付、运维全生命周期,并提供公有云、私有云和混合云等多种交付方式。成立迄今,公司已在金融科技、先进制造、智能汽车、零售网点、城市大脑等多个领域深耕,标杆客户包括交通银行、浦发银行、上汽集团、东风汽车、海尔集团、屈臣氏、金拱门(麦当劳)等。目前,公司已完成了 D 轮超亿元融资,被誉为科技领域准独角兽企业。公司在北京、武汉、深圳、成都设立多家分公司及合资公司,总员工人数超过 400 人,是上海市高新技术企业、上海市“科技小巨人”企业和上海市“专精特新”企业,并入选了科创板培育企业名单。

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